Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Waist Management


Best Day: 3.5L
Worst Day:1.5L
Average: 2.5L
.4L better than last week. Next week, I'd like to average 3L.

Dairy: Best Day 2 servings
Worst Day: 2 servings
Average: 2 servings

Fruit and Veggies.

Best Day: 8 servings
Worst Day: 5 servings
Average 6 servings

I earned 8 AP, which is down from last week. This week has not been good emotionally. Hard to find time to go with all the other things going on.

I did manage to stay OP and am down 0.6 lbs. I'm in the middle of my period too, so I'm pleasantly surprised I've been down both weeks.

I hope I can get more activity in this week, but that all depends on how the situation shapes up. Good thoughts, please y'all.

Sorry I've neglected my email and blog reading the past little bit, I'll get caught up to see how you all are doing.

Mandy, Shirls; hope your WI's were spectacular and peace love and skinny vibes to the rest.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

The night the lights went out in Georgia

picture it. winnipeg; 6:30 AM. Steaming hot shower. Then darkness.

That was me this morning! Power was off for about an hour, so breakfast, dressing and showering were all done in the dark. Poor kiddo. Her options for breakfast were cereal, cereal, or cereal.

I was sort of hoping it'd stay off as I parked in the garage last night, and it's an electronic opener. No power, no workie. No such luck. So here I sit, looking out the window (sort of), and the world looks like giant snow globe.

I DID make soup from scratch last night, with no recipe and no clue. Living on an idea and a dream, and it turned out pretty freaking tasty.

Check the recipe here!

Tonight I'll be making homemade pasta sauce, and my next soup adventure will be a tomato/balsamic/cheese concoction.

I'll keep you posted!

Peace, love, and AP's

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Weigh Day! Weigh Day!

Week in Review:

Water: Best Day: 3.5L

Worst Day: 1.5L

Average: 2.1L a day

Not the best water intake, but it’s OP. Will improve next week.

Dairy: Best day: 2 servings

Worst day: 2 servings

Average: 2 servings.

Hmm, I think I Spy a trend

Fruits and Veggies: Best day:11 servings

Worst day: 5

Average: 8 servings a day.

I only earned 10 AP this week, but that’s a far cry better than the past 2 weeks. I’m just coming off the heels of 2 inactive weeks, so any activity was good.

Scale reads: -1.4

To date: Down 20lbs
average loss: 2.5lbs a week.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The way I see it #196

"The greatest leader is a servant. Don't be a boss. Be a real leader, a servant leader.
A servant leader is a winner. Even when he loses everything, even when he loses his life, a servant leader wins all."

What the hell does that even mean? Starbucks has these ridiculous quotes on the back of their coffee cups, that I suppose are supposed to be deep, and heavy. I say they border on Jack Handy. Man that place is pretentious.

Here's how I see things. We get one kick at the cat. One go round on this ride called life. We can either be spectators, or avid participants. Life doesn't wait for us to correct our mistakes, it keeps chugging along. Time doesn't stop while we waste it on events, people and things that don't enhance our being. That in the grand scheme of things don't even matter.

Life is too short to eat food you don't enjoy, fraternize with people who don't stimulate or appreciate you.
Life is too short to not dance in puddles, or eat dessert first. It's too short to not fake a sick day, and watch crappy reruns in your pajamas.

Life is too short to dishonour your body and soul and by abusing it, and not letting it live to it's potential.

Life is too short to love half heartedly, or to care what other people think. Life is too short to not road trip it with no real destination. It's too short to not picnic in the winter.

Life is too short to simply exist. One must live.

I've been thinking a lot about that lately. I have all these responsibilities that tie me down, but have no real bearing on anything relevant, signifigant, or important. I feel that I'm stagnant, watching the world pass me by through my living room window, and that I'm powerless to stop it. And I am. I am powerless to stop it from passing me by, but what I've come to realise is that I do have control over how I react to that.

I cannot control how people around me behave, but I can control my reactions to it. I can't change my weight today, but I can control my behaviours right now to ensure I become healthier.

I'm in control of everything in my life, and that's such an awesome responsibility. A privilege, even.

I feel so enlightened, and I didn't even read it off a damn coffee cup.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Everybody's working for the weekend

So another weekend has is drawing to a close, and another weekend I was faced with a few challenges, and triumphantly overcame them.

After moaning and bitching and begrudging the fact that we had to go to the OG for dinner, I finally figured out what to eat, planned accordingly, and half an hour before it was time to leave, they switched the venue. Dammit!

So anyway, I ended up having sauteed mushrooms as an appy, a huge dinner salad with dressing on the side, had a slice of garlic toast, a mini banana loaf, 6 oz glass of wine, a rye and diet pepsi, and then 2 coolers later in the evening. I'm still left with 5.5 FP for the week.

Today I plan on taking the DD snowboarding and sledding to earn some AP, and off to the folks for dinner time. I've already downed 1.5L of water today, and had an awesome breakfast. (Peanut butter and banana French toast) - recipe will be posted up on the other blog shortly.

I've also decided that one of my major downfalls in previous attempts to lose weight, was letting negativity get the best of me. Often, we LOVE to look at the dark cloud, rather than the silver lining. So I'm making a conscious effort to state at least one positive thing about myself, my appearance, or my healthy changes a day. Regardless of how bad the day is, something has gone right, and that's what I'm going to be looking for.

Well, I'm off to clean the kitchen, hit the tanning bed, then hitting the "slopes".

I hope your weekends treated you all well, and I'll catch up on you soon!


Friday, February 23, 2007

Daily menu and other blatherings

My euphoric state of mind carried over to this morning when I slipped on a size 18 blouse, and found it a bit roomy. Nothing keeps you moving like small successes, you know?

The other things I've been realising, is that I no longer even care to eat unhealthy foods. If DH and DD are going to McDonalds, I opt out all togther, unless I'm absolutely CRAVING something. And then it's a happy meal, and diet drink. I find the larger burgers sit like a stone, and I'd rather not feel that way.

There are healthy alternatives to nearly everything I want, and I find portion control is becoming easier and easier for me. I get fuller faster, I stay fuller longer, and my snacks are normally fruit and veggie based. I can just feel it in my bones that this time is the LAST time for me. I will attain goal, I will maintain, and I will achieve lifetime for good. I just feel it. Feels different than all the other times.


Heavenly Chocolate Toast
1 c. milk
1/2 c. grapes

6.5 PTS

Snack: (projected)
allbran bar:

Sirloin Salad

6.5 PTS

Snack: Projected
Hard boiled egg
1/2 c. grapes
2.5 PTS


I'm still mulling this one over. I think I'll make chicken legs coated in seasoned bread crumbs and crushed baked bbq lays chips, corn on the cob, and oven roasted potatoes topped with asiago cheese, and a mixed greens salad.

Evening snack I think will consist of some smart pop and a faux float.

I'm drooling just thinking about it all.

Cheers and AP's to you all!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm a big fat loser

and now you're gonna hear why.

I started back at the gym on Jan. 17th. I had my measurements taken, and they've been taken once again tonight.

I've lost the following from my:

Bust: 2"
Waist: 1"
Abdomen: 2"
Hips: 1"
thighs: 1" (ea)
Arms: 2" (ea)

Bringing me to a grand total of 12" lost in 36 days. an inch every THREE DAYS, ladies. A foot. One third of a yard. A huge frigging hotdog. Tommy Lee's schlong. (ok, not quite)

I'm absolutely giddy.

I started tanning again today, and I'm feeling pretty damn unstoppable. 51 days back on WW, 51 days OP.

I've decided to set a HUGE goal for myself, and that's to fit back into my wedding dress on August 17th. 5 year anniversary.

We shall see.